Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Oh It's On Now

A trip to South Padre Island has been booked.

86 days.

86 days to look as good as I possibly can. To feel as good as I possibly can.

Tomorrow is the deadline for my monthly goal. I will report back with results.

86 days til the beach, the sun, and a private house. SQUEE!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Hunger Doesn't Get What Hunger Wants...This Time

I'm half way to reaching my goal of losing 10lbs in the month of June, but I have yet to get used to the feeling of being hungry. It's a constant feeling and even though I'm eating, quite well actually, it's still difficult. My calorie intake is small and my trips to the gym are short. I don't have the energy to push heavy weights or even spend a significant amount of time doing cardio, but it seems to be working. I've gotten over the wall that was up for a long time and I'm confident that I'll actually hit my goal, and maybe even lose more.

I've been really really hard on myself lately. I was so into working out and losing weight last year, because of the fear of not fitting into that wedding dress. Now that the wedding has come and gone I've tried to loosen up a bit, but if I give myself an inch I will take a mile instead. So far so good. If it works I'm going to stick with it, and this is working. I'm not starving myself, I'm not on a crash diet, I'm doing what I know that I'm capable of. I am confident that I can do this and then some.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

It's June 1st. Let The Misery Begin!

I know, I'm being dramatic. Tough shit. It's my blog.

10 pounds to lose by the end of June. Just 10 little itsy bitsy pounds.

In other news, here is a photo of Thomas holding two baby Chihuahuas.