Friday, April 16, 2010

Time For A Change

I'm bored. Not with my life, with my work. Day by day I feel my brain cells dying, and my soul slowing rotting away. I sell and service insurance every single day. What does that have to do with my soul, you ask? As my grandmother once said to me, "You sell insurance. You lie for a living." While I don't think that's necessarily true, I do feel like I bend the truth on more occasions than I care to really think about.

Each day I talk to the same people, I tell the same stories, and I deal with the same excuses. I realize we're in tough economic times right now, but do keep in mind that I don't make up the insurance rates. Don't yell at me. I just convince you to believe the reason I give you for your recent rate increase is actual truth, when in fact it's probably not.

For the most part I'm tired of dealing with the general public. No matter how much I try to fake it I am not, nor have I ever been, a people person. I don't like 99% of the population that walks on this planet. Mostly because people, as a whole, suck. They are argumentative, judgmental, uneducated, and lazy. I've worked with all kinds from all over the world and I can honestly say I just don't like the human race.

While I would love nothing more than to have a job where I can sit in front of a computer all day and type menial and mind numbing shit without ever having to deal with another human being all day we all know that just can't happen. You remember that movie 'The Net'? The one where she worked from home all day long doing interesting look internet-y type things? I would love that job. I would have everything delivered to my home and the only time my neighbors would see me is while I was sashaying my ass to the mailbox to pick up my sweet fat paychecks. But this isn't the movies and I'm no Sandra B.

I've applied for several jobs very very recently and I would love to have something happen soon. The jobs I've applied for have zero to do with insurance, but instead will allow me to use the skills I have gained over the years. The number one skill being able to kiss ass to those who make me money. I think I've put enough years into this business. I'm tired of kissing the ass of those who have nothing. It's time for me to move on.


S said...

Good luck with your job search. I know from firsthand experience how much it sucks to go to a job you hate every day. And like you, I do not enjoy dealing with the general public. Changing careers has shown me that I can deal with PEOPLE, but not THE PUBLIC.

We spend too much of our lives at work to do something soul-sucking every day.

Vic said...

I am right there with you. That is exactly where I've been on this for a while.
15% of the premium on the books demands 80% of the service.

Anonymous said...

Oh Mo, I SO hear you. I felt exactly like you! My job in the insurance industry really was sucking my soul. I thought it was just me. I'm sorry you're going through this and I pray you and I will both find something away from this shitty industry.

flea said...

good luck!! I can't offer any advice because I am in the exact same boat, only I have half a year left of Mat. Leave to think about what I want to do. stay positive, something will come up! :)

SLICK said...