Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A List Of Me

I am hilarious.

I am the proud owner of two spoiled mutts that I love as if I birthed them myself.

I own up to my feelings even when they are ridiculous and without merit.

I am no longer a blond.

I am tired of the bullshit that comes along with being an adult.

I am terrible at faking sincerity.

I make fun of my husband for being a nerd, but in all reality I am proud of him for the amount of knowledge he possesses.

I am grateful to have the kind of friendships that don't require a daily phone call in order for us to know how loved we are.

I make a mean pot of turkeyburger helper.

I want to quit smoking as a gift to myself for my 30th birthday, but deep down I am terrified of the weight I will inevitably gain because of it.

I joke how turning 30 scares me, but I'm not afraid. I plan to enjoy my 30's WAY more than my 20's.

I miss going to the gym almost every day.

I miss my family.

I stop missing my family after about 24 hours around them.

I love how Thomas and I ogle each other when we think the other isn't looking.

I actually enjoy diet beer.

I am judgmental of total strangers.

I directly compare how you look to what is in your grocery cart.

I am afraid of never figuring out what I want to be when I grow up.

I say "I love you" a lot. Because you never know when you won't be able to tell someone that again.

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