Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Still Kickin

I'm still alive, but I'm sure you were probably aware of that.

I have abandoned this blog, for reasons unknown. Only thing I can think of is that I've lost the desire to pour my guts out on my computer screen. To be honest I have absolutely nothing to spill about. I am madly in love with my husband/best friend, I am employed, I am well fed, I am healthy, I am happy.

Life is for living, and that's exactly what I'm doing.


S said...

BTW, I'm glad we're friends on Facebook 'cause I'd miss hearing your updates otherwise! ;-)

flea said...

also love this post as it is so true and applies to me as well...blogging just isn't what it used to be but I try to continue and keep it going as it has been with me through some pretty rough times, funny times and memorable times...

i'm just happy that you are HAPPY