Monday, August 31, 2009

Hard Work Does Pay Off...Eventually

I swear I'm not writing this to brag. Even though it's my blog and totally my prerogative to do so, that's not me. I am writing this as a reminder to myself of how good I feel today. How much healthier I am now. And one day when I'm feeling down on myself I can look back and see what I've accomplished. No matter how much I pout or put myself down, that at some point I hit a milestone.

Yesterday, I bought a clothing size yesterday that I haven't worn in 10 years.


Friday evening I picked up The Dress from the alteration shop. I stepped into it and it zipped right up. Snug in the waist and not much breathing room but I'm in it. Three months ago I couldn't do that. A month ago I barely got it zipped. Today, it fits. Next month? I'd at least like to be able to get a little more wiggle room in it. Enough so that I'll be able to actually enjoy the post-wedding meal we've got planned without needing the jaws of life to get me out of the dress afterwards.

Thomas and I went shopping over the weekend. This wasn't just your everyday pick up this and that window shopping bullshit. OH NO. This was a heavy duty, hit every store in a 50 mile radius, make your credit card company think your card's been jacked, weep when the bill comes in kind of shopping. Both of us needed new clothes and not just because of Vegas, but because nothing fit anymore. I tried on dresses yesterday and felt so girly. I tried on pants and shorts and skirts and shirts and bought almost everything that fit. I deserved a day like that.

I am embracing this current size but at the same time I look forward to getting down to the next one. While I am proud of what I've accomplished so far I have to keep going. To prove to myself that I can be better, be healthier, and reach my goal.


S said...


Do you have any problem with my forwarding a link to this post to our Weight Loss Challenge members for inspiration? ;-)

Anonymous said...

Of course, S! Go for it! Whatever I can do to help our group!

Scottsdale Girl said...

SO are you ready for some of my closet???? Or have you surpassed it?

flea said...

that is AWSOME and you go right ahead and brag all you want! it's good to meet your goals and even better to stay positive to keep on going