Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Two Days

TWO! DAYS! Twotwotwotwotwo daysdaysdaysdaysdays.

I'm so excited I might just wet my pants.

48 hours from now I'll be about to board my plane, headed towards my gurls. Land of sun, fun, and drunk bitches. 72 hours from now? God knows what I'll be doing but I have a feeling whatever it is my liver will be screaming, "MAKE IT STOP. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD ENOUGH ALCOHOL ALREADY".

Two days, bitches.

P.S. Princess and Elle: I apologize in advance for the cards I'm giving you. Hallmark can eat a fucking dick.


S said...

Have fun in Arizona! We are having beautiful weather at the moment; hope it stays that way for your visit.

Elle said...

I don't care if you give me a NAPKIN with "I love you ell oh ell omgbbbq" on it....

Just get here.

Scottsdale Whore said...

Um yeah, I swear they haven't come up with a new in like FOREVER but as Elle said. WHO CARES? GET THEE IN MAH CAR!!!!!!!!