Thursday, June 18, 2009

Retail Therapy Works. Beer Also Helps.

And just like that I feel good as gold again. Yesterday was a rough one for me. I did hear back from my mother and although she STILL hasn't booked her trip to Vegas she did state that she was coming and to count her and the rest of my family in. I'll believe it when I see it. If mother states she'll do something I usually take that to mean that she MIGHT actually do it. I give it a 45% chance. I'm quite the optimist.

Another great way to turn your mood around? Spend money. I was dreading buying a new swimsuit for this summer. I hate, no scratch that, I LOATHE buying swimsuits. One reason being the typical female response to putting on something made from lycra or spandex, which is, "Good GOD Almighty I look fucking FAT!" And the second reason - have you ever noticed how expensive they are?! I mean really, people. $20.00 to $30.00 per PIECE? Cause there's no way in hell I'm wearing a one piece. But seriously, per piece?! I know I'm not thin by any means but must we charge that much for such a small piece of fabric? I'm telling you, women get screwed when it comes to buying these things. SO anyways, I bought it and took it home all prepared to be absolutely horrified at how I looked in it only to be absolutely shocked as hell to realize that I don't look half bad. And in the end, do I really and truly give a shit what other people think of me in a bathing suit? Especially after a six pack at the pool? Helllll to the nizzo.

And now for your viewing pleasure I present to you the swimsuit because I think it's cute and it also has bows...

Why hello thar new swimsuit


Unknown said...

Fuck YES!!!! I LOVE IT!!!

word verification: frygone

Why yes.....yes it is.

flea said...

oooooh it is super cute!! love it!

Scottsdale Whore said...

Me likey!!! and you will blend in with the pool water in that color!

Anonymous said...

Love it. Purdy color too! (I also hate buying swimwear for the exact same reason)