I've contacted the management several times but it does no good. Apparently there are rules about not leaving your dog on your patio and rules about not letting your goddamned dog bark while outside at all hours of the night, but nothing can be done about this.
This is the only time in my life that I have wished actual harm to come to an animal and I would personally like to be the one to do the harming.
I lay in bed at night and pray to anyone who will listen to just shut the dog up for JUST A LITTLE WHILE so I can fall asleep and be a productive member of society the next day. Some nights my prayers are answered, some nights they are not.
Maybe it was the rum and Diet Dr. Pepper, maybe it was the fact that I am delirious from lack of sleep, or maybe I'm just feeling a little bitchy and passive-aggressive because I just taped this to his freaking door:
Doubtful it will do any good but damn do I feel better.
Perhaps you should be proactive and submit it to Passive-Agressive Notes before your neighbour does.. :)
That has to suck, though. What about earplugs? A call to the local police? (to file a police report even if they don't send someone out)
"yours truly"
Did it help?! This note cracked me the fuck up! LOL I love you! hahahahahaha
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