Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Give It Up For The Noob

I have been lucky when it comes to friendships. I'd like to think I'm a good friend. A good listener. Someone that a person can count on to be there through thick and through thin. I found it difficult after high school when I realized that I had purposefully moved away from the friendships I had made. I did it on my own. Too busy playing house and being an idiot to realize that those people I had grown to love all of those years would've been nice to have around.

Thanks to the beauty of Facebook I've been able to re-connect with several people from school. People I had known for years and years. People that I loved. And it's amazing to me that once we re-connected it was like we had just graduated high school - not like 10 years had passed.

It didn't take much to convince Jess to come to the dark side and start blogging. I said the word "free" and she was all over it like white on rice. A fantastic writer, a wonderful person, and a great mom - I'm glad to call this woman my friend, again.

So go give the noob some sweet sweet bloggy love...

Adventures in Boredom


Jessica Mclain said...

Yum I love white rice! And damn straight I jumped on it!

Anywho, thanks for the post sweety, I have already gotten a few more visitors! I love these things ->!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You are a good friend my little momo

not homo just mo... no ho